A – Click on the Place Order button and select what you want. Make sure you include ALL the items you want, including your default.

A – You can place your order between Monday 7pm and Wednesday 7pm for the Friday.

A – No. As long as you have a default order set, we’ll just delivery that to you, unless you change or add to it, or skip a week.

A – Yes! We’ll just keep track of your balance and if you start going into the red, we’ll suggest you make an extra payment via your account page.

A – HBK works on a subscription basis. You pay a monthly amount and this should usually cover your orders. This means you don’t have to worry about paying every time you make an order. Sometimes weeks you may want to order more and that’s fine. Your account may as a result sometimes go into the ‘red’. No problem, you can just make an ‘Top Up Payment’. This is in addition to your regular monthly payment. There are three possible amounts to choose from, dependent on how much is needed approximately to get back in the black.

A – Just click on ‘Skip this week’ during the ordering period. Make sure you do this BEFORE Wednesday 7pm, otherwise we’ll deliver to you on the Friday. If you want to skip more than a week, just select the weeks you’re going to be away.

A – Yes, just click on ‘Pause Deliveries’ and we’ll stop delivering until you ‘Unpause’. We’ll also stop sending order reminder texts during this time..

A – No, they don’t. However we’ll keep a track of your balance and if you start going into credit, we ask if you want to pause payments as well.

A – You can either keep the credit in your account, or we can give you a refund. Again, we’ll keep an eye on your account and give you the options.

A – Yes. We can create a set monthly payment for whatever amount you want to cover your regular order.